Easter and April Fools' Day

Back on February 28th the cartoon header for News from ME changed to one with Mark with a cast on his left ankle. It's been running since then with the exception of St. Patrick's Day

Yesterday it changed to the Easter themed one with Sergio in a bunny costume carrying a basket of Easter eggs, surprising Mark who's typing at the keyboard of his computer. This graphic dates back to at least 2019.

Today it changed to the April Fools' Day one with which shows Mark surprised that his computer has been replaced with a manual typewriter with Sergio in the background sneaking away with Mark's computer and keyboard. The subtitle below the drawing says, "Mark Evanier's blog about why everyone should buy a Bible and a pair of sneakers from Donald Trump". The drawing dates back to at least 2016, although the subtitle then said, "Mark Evanier's blog about tomato soup, Frank Ferrante, feral cats and the abolition of cole slaw".

