As has been the case while my mom's visiting, yesterday I walked around the lake on my lunch break with her. There were still no pelicans and the cormorants seemed to appreciate the absence. Their main tree was completely vacant but there was a large group on their secondary tree and in the water. There were some flying around as well. They occupied the platform and were very active and noisy about it. It was the first time I've really noted their sounds.
Besides the cormorants I noticed the usual elements. There were two white ducks among the mallards and coots North of the pier. The mallard couple that seemed to be nesting near the mound was hanging around together. I spotted Phyllis and her troop swimming along the bank between the spur and the island.There were a good amount of turtles. I spotted a pair of pie-billed grebes together. Before I had only spotted the two in separate locations.
The buffleheads remained a constant. We spotted at least four diving males among the group that was stretched out along the West side of the lake. They never get too close to the shore.
By the end of the walk the cormorants had populated their main tree. We heard Menderu roar as we walked past the zoo.
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