1 cat and 3 black-crowned night herons

For most of my walk on Friday it was status quo from Thursday. The six pelicans remained. At first they were swimming back and forth between the platform and the Northern edge of the lake, then later on a few had drifted to the middle of the lake. One stayed on the platform the whole time.

There were cormorants in their tree as well as swimming in the lake and there were the two white ducks and assorted mallards North of the pier.

Phyllis was foraging on the bank with her group.

Even the buffleheads were more or less the same, in their usual place with a couple diving males.

One difference was that while the turtles crowded the middle log and the end of the main log, there was a juvenile black-crowned night heron at the end of the main log.

The great egret was preening high in a tree and I spotted two more black-crowned night herons in a tree further on, another juvenile and an adult.

I also saw the cat on the cat tree that sometimes like to look out the window.
