3 cats, 3 pelicans and 4 turtles

We did our regular walk yesterday on the first day of 2024. On theprevious walk we saw an escaped goat in the middle of the street. On yesterday's walk there was this black and white cat in the yard across the street:

They seemed to be poised to point out the new drama across the way which consisted of a different escaped goat who was meandering between two fences and a major tree branch down across the driveway we traversed the day before.

Besides the black and white cat we also spotted corner cat lying in their cat bed and another black and white cat near the barking dogs from the previous walk. That cat hid under a car when we came closer to verify their existence.

Around the lake there were 3 pelicans:

We also spotted these 6 ducks and 4 turtles on a log. I liked the way their reflections were showing.

As expected, the errant paddle boat we spotted on the previous walk was gone.
