Highlights from juggling on the docks in Morro Bay 12-09-2022

On Friday, December 9, 2022, a bunch of us met up down at the docks in Morro Bay to juggle. At the beginning there’s me and Barry practicing alternating Mild Madness, first alternating a full cycle, then alternating a half cycle. Harry watched us briefly but didn’t juggle because he was not feeling well and didn’t want to pass anything on to the rest of us. A shipment of Vision clubs and accessories arrived from flowtoys.com and Harry came to pick up his clubs. Mario and Kevin came down the ramp and spent a while going through the new equipment. Once everything was all set me, Kevin, and Barry juggled in a 4-count feed as a boat full of people went by and cheered us on. Mario joined us in a shadow box. Me, Mario, and Barry practiced a 10 club feed for a while and there was also some 7 club singles between Barry and Mario and between me and Mario. Barry and Mario practiced passing 8 clubs in doubles and triples and we ended doing an 11 club triangle.

